The City of Chennai, also known as Madras earlier times, is the Capital of the state of Tamil Nadu. It is situated at the Coromandel Coast off the Bay of Bengal. Spread over an area of about 200 sqkm and still growing, it is the biggest industrial, commercial centre, and a major cultural, economic and educational centre in South India. It is today India's fourth largest metropolis with an estimated population of 4.68 million (2011). The city is famous for its sandy beaches- the 12 km long Marina Beach being second longest beaches in the world, parks and historic landmarks.
Culture and Tradition
Chennai has a rich culture and heritage that goes back to thousands of years. The city has retained its traditional Tamil roots, boasting of its ancient culture and heritage and maintaining it the way it was since ancient times, while simultaneously acquiring a modern and cosmopolitan character. The people of Chennai have a special interest in music, dance and all other art forms of South India. The city is an important centre for Carnatic music and hosts a large cultural event, the annual Madras Music Season during Dec-Jan, which includes performances by hundreds of artists. The city has a[...]
Read More- Family Courts Mediation Cause list -22/1/2025
- City Civil Court Mediation Cause List on 21.01.2025
- Family Courts Mediation CAUSE LIST 21/1/25
- Family Court Mediation on 09.01.2025
- Family Court Mediation on 08.01.2025
- Family Court Mediation on 06.01.2025
- City Civil Court Mediation on 06.01.2025
- City Civil Court Mediation on 04.01.2025
- Quotation called for 24 LAN points – Reg
- Civil Rules of Practice and Circular Orders
- Recruitment to the post of VC Host (Technical) on Contract Basis for Principal Seat of Madras and Madurai Bench of Madras, Madurai
- Commercial Court – Order in Filing COS/SR/30/2024 dated 10.06.2024
- Commercial Court – Order in Filing COS/SR/278/2024 dated 07.06.2024
- Mandatory e-filing – for Various case types with effect from 01.04.2024 – postponed
- Quotation called for network dressing in racks, tracing the uplinks, numbering the I/O – Reg
- IT peripherals – Quotations called for entering into Annual Maintenance Contract for the period 2024-2025
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